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 Welcome to the home of the Pipes and Drums of Christchurch City

                                               New Zealand

The Pipes and Drums of Christchurch City is based in Canterbury, New Zealand.

The band was formed in 2009 by pipers and drummers who wanted to extend the reach of piping and drumming in New Zealand as an art form.


The band's principle objective is to give talented musicians the opportunity to participate in cultural and music events in New Zealand and overseas. 

pipes and drums of christchurch city NZ

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The Pipes and Drums of Christchurch City is based in Canterbury, New Zealand.  It was formed in 2009 by pipers and drummers who wanted to extend the reach of piping and drumming in New Zealand as an art form.


The band's objective is to provide talented musicians the opportunity to participate in large scale cultural and music events and festivals in New Zealand and overseas.


The band has performed in a number of prestigious events over the years. These have included:

  • The World Military Music Festival in Libya (2009)

  • The Windsor Castle Royal Tattoo (2010)

  • The Crete International Tattoo (2011)

  • The Basel International Tattoo (2012)

  • The Royal Nova Scotia International Tattoo (2013)

  • The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo (2015)

  • The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo in Wellington, New Zealand (2016)

  • The Virginia International Tattoo (2017)

  • The Parade of the Immortal Regiment, Moscow (2017)

  • Crimea Cultural Festival (2018)

  • The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo (2019)

  • The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo in Sydney, Australia (2019)

  • The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo (2022)


The band performs at the highest levels when representing its city and country. This applies to all aspects of band work – music, drill, uniform, and behaviour.  Thus, there is a strong emphasis on individual standards, and only musicians who meet a minimum standard are accepted as members.

The band have appeared on TV networks throughout the world promoting the Scottish music whilst dressed in their full Highland dress uniform.

Like many voluntary organisations, the band has a diverse membership.  Over the years, members have ranged in age from teenagers to individuals in their eighties; and their occupations have included military personnel, farmers, engineers, IT specialists, school teachers, students, police officers, and pilots.  Some members have had notable success as soloists and all have been involved at some point in their musical careers with competition level band work, in many cases with New Zealand's top competing bands. 


The band is currently led by Drum Major Alan Carlyle and Pipe Major Robin Loomes.


The pipers wear the McKenzie tartan, and the drummers are dressed in Seaforth McKenzie tartan.


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